Go for a walk to find new places
It was a beautiful weather today...
I walked down to the Balmoral Beach for a walk this afternoon, just brought a book, camera and some biscuits....... with me.
The water of the ocean was very clear, it was blue-green color by the reflected the sun...
I sat down on the rocks and read a book for a while..... then I found a map in between the pages. It was the walking map to Middle Head which I got from Mosman library few days ago....
I just thought that I can go to the Middle Head now. I always looked at North Head and Middle Head from the point, but I've never been to both these places....So, now I have a map and it seems that it is not far from the beach, maybe I can walk there.....
I just started walking to head to the Middle Head. I walked up to the green hills in the fresh air... about..... 1 hr and half... it was long way... actually.
Headland Park..... It's really nice place, great harbour views from the lookout point.
Then, walk through the Middle Head Oval.
Finally, I got to The Sydney Harbour National Park. It was already 3:30pm. I left home at 12:00pm though....
I was a little bit rush to look around the park because I wanted to back home before the sunset.... so that I went back the way I have come... But I noticed that there was a shortcut to the Balmoral beach on the other map I got at national park.... I was just wondering why there was no information about the shortcut on the first map... anyway I needed to chose the faster way to back....
But It was just 30 mins walk to the Balmoral Beach for return using the shortcut.... How come??
Now I really wanna go to the North Head, but not on foot...
お疲れさまでした。すごい長い散歩だったね(笑)シドニーは冬へ向かっているのに、どうして太陽はそんなに強い存在なんだろうって日本では東京では夕日が昇るのも沈むのも見ることができない、明るくなってら朝、暗くなったら夜、そんな生活を送ってるんだなって気づかされました・・・ By Tamako
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