Friday, May 02, 2008

From Children's Book

Today, when I and Klaudia walked down to the George St, we came across one book shop lined with lots of children's book. It seemed to be just new opened recently and it was a discount book shop so that we just looked in at the shop.

We looked around if there were good and cheap children's books there....
And I bought 2 books, both of them are really nice book and cheap!

If you are asked "What is Peace?", How do you explain it to children??
This is a book I bought today....

What is Peace?

Peace is giving, Not taking
Peace is sharing, Not keeping yourself
Peace is listening, Not arguing
Peace is comforting, Not turning away
Peace is building, Not breaking
Peace is playing together, Not spoiling the game

And Peace is.........

Children's books are always very simple and easy and clear, of course! But there are still lots of things I (we?) can learn from them, even as an adult....

And they can be my good English text books as well :)))

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