Sunday, March 30, 2008

Something Special

It's almost April!! Although It's getting cold here day by day, the blue sky extended as far as the eye could see today. It was lovely day.

I just needed to speed up my assignment 'cause I am 5 or 6 behind with my assignment. Of course I couldn't finish all of them but could a little bit. So it's time to go down hills!! I grabbed a book & bottle of water, then took a walk to the Balmoral beach. It's a kind of my routine to take a walk & read books there on weekends if the weather is nice........

Every time I went to the beach, there was an old man, looks like over 65yo, drawing picture at the same place. I always went past him even I was very curious to have a look his pictures. I'm too shy to see close at hand:) But today was different. The old man smiled me when I was passing through so that I came to him and start chatting.

おじいちゃんの名前はTony, 普段はアートスクールで絵を教えているらしく、彼も毎週末天気が良ければここへ来て絵を描いてると言っていて、今日も既に5枚の絵を描き終えていました。私には絵を描くというセンスが全く持ってないから、絵を描く人は私にとっては別世界の人の様に映ってしまう。
His name is Tony, he told me that he teaches at an Art school for kids and adults, also comes to the beach to draw every weekends if the weather is nice. He already drew 5 pictures on the spot today. I have no sense of drawing so that I think Artists are person who live in another world!!

After our chatting for about 20 minutes, I noticed one his picture was very familiar to me because it was exactly the same picture which I could see from the window of my living room.

I've found something congenial in that picture so that I asked him if I could buy it instantly. He said "Of course! I'm glad you like it!" with his smile.

So I bought the picture and I asked him if he had his own gallery near by. Because I would like to go. He said "Here is my gallery as you know! Under the blue sky!" with his cute smile.

He is such a lovely grandpa :)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Feast


Ania invited me to go to her brother's house for Polish Traditional Easter Breakfast today. Ania told me that Easter is more important than Christmas and it's very traditional thing that all family members get together on Easter Sunday morning to have a big Easter Breakfast. On this day, people just keep eating & drinking all day in Poland!


There were lots of Polish food and cakes. The breakfast started at 10:00am, then finished at 2:00pm. I had had more than enough!! I'm still full now!!


We don't have the custom of celebrating Easter in Japan, of course, so that it was something special & new for me today.


And I felt a little bit envy Ania being close to her family here.....
and miss my family.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Good Friday

The Easter holidays just started.

I decided that I wouldn't work and do any assignment during this long weekends, just wanna be free from all care this time.

そして今日はGood Friday。
Then it's Good Friday today.

All shops are closed, also it's cloudy sky, unfortunately,
so that it's very very quiet around here.

一日中家でのんびり好きな事をして時間を過ごす、そんなGood Fridayです。
I spend my nice and quiet time in reading and cooking at home all day long.

Such a big capsicum!

It took me long time to cut it into tiny pieces for vege soup.

Saturday, March 15, 2008



I really wanted to know the true meaning of "Friend",
so that I looked up the word in a dictionary.

『あたなが良く知っていて好きな人, 通常家族以外の人』と書いてあった。

It's said "Friend" is a person you like.
A person you know well and like,
and who is not usually a member of your family.


I have friends who make me feel relieved,
I just hope I can be with them from this time on.

He was my best friend :)

Sunday, March 02, 2008


I think.... if I look up at the blue sky, I may find some solutions.

I sometime look up at the blue sky in spite of myself.

Today was time to look up at the blue sky.